Dar was taken from us with a case of closed pyometra. Her page will remain
"as is" and she will remain part of my heart forever.
It's hard to explain how much I love this dog. She is so happy, smart, &
never misses a trick. She also points in classic style, runs hard and
fast, and is a great sweetheart to live with.
As a youngster, she went from "couch
potato" to field trial placer in less than one month. Darby won her derby
points at a large, 3-point Amateur Derby stake at the Pa. Brittany Club at 15 months of age and also had placements in tough limited stakes as a Gun Dog. We are very proud of her first litter. THREE of her pups already have
multiple field placements &/or wins.
 Darby's natural style - pretty on point |